Season 2 of the hit Netflix series “Squid Game” premiered last December 26, 2024. To promote this Korean series globally, various events and installations were held in different countries - not just in Korea, but also in countries such as France, Indonesia, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Thailand, the United States of America, and even in my home country, the Philippines. Giant statues of Young-hee, or more popularly known as the Squid Game doll, made appearances in different places across the globe. In addition, Squid Game-related activities, such as the Red Light Green Light game were held in France and Indonesia, while other countries have their respective activities for attendees to partake in.
Last December, I was surprised to personally witness one of these events, which was held in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. From December 21, 2024 to January 5, 2025, a promotional event was held in Kaohsiung Music Center. While riding the Love River cruise last December 26, I was shocked to see a huge inflatable head of Young-hee floating on one side of the Love River. It made me curious and amazed about the massive global impact of this Korean series. Fellow passengers aboard the cruise were also surprised to see Young-hee as some also eagerly anticipated season 2 of Squid Game, which was released on the same day.
Due to our curiosity, my sister and I went to the Kaohsiung Music Center last December 29 to have a clearer glimpse of the different Squid Game displays. Aside from the giant inflatable Young-hee, 2 themed photo spots incorporating Squid Game’s pink architecture were also set up featuring trailers of season 2 and mannequins of the pink soldiers. People patiently lined up, some even in the green tracksuit player costumes, to have photos and videos taken at these spots.
In addition, the Kaohsiung Light Rail also has Squid Game-themed trains to increase publicity for this series. These pink trains are designed with photos of the season’s players and pink soldiers. The global reach of Squid Game alongside massive promotional efforts help introduce this series throughout the globe, thus increasing the impact of Korean entertainment on an international scale.
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